Top Down Shooter

Kill Pill V.1

Through making this game I got a lot of hands on experience using interfaces, base classes with virtual methods, C# events, creating game UI, and overall have much more intimate knowledge over Unity's particle system and Unity in general.

This was my most recent and challenging project so far, and much of it is thanks to Sebastian Lague's tutorials on youtube. This project has a custom map editor that randomly generates the obstacles using a fisher/Yates shuffling algorithm, as well as a flood fill algorthim that ensures that the obstacles never fully block off part of the map. This enables the enemies to be randomly generated across the empty spots on the map without worry that they will be trapped by the map's obstacles. This way, the enemies are always able to find their way to the player using Unity's navmesh system.

There are five guns in the game which all derive from a gun class which has custom stats you can set; This includes fire rate, ammo count, amount of bullets per shot, spread of bullets per shot, reload time, a muzzle flash sprite, audio clip played on each shot, and audio clip played upon reloading. A gun controller script then takes in an array of guns with these custom stats and then the player can swap between these weapons with the Q and E keys.

In total I really enjoyed building this game, and look forward to learning more about game architecture and more elegant coding techniques so that I can continue to build more advanced games. I'm really excited to try making a tactical RPG game using my A* pathfinding project that is also in this portfolio website.